Great couple of days and thanks to all

Putting on the Heritage Comes Alive tour at Bailey Hill in July in only a month proved to be the biggest challenge that Grass Under Foot has faced in its short history. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it was one of the biggest challenges I have faced in my 35-year career as a street performer and theatre producer. There were times during the project that I really thought we would never be able to pull it off. IN A MONTH?!, no way, impossible. But we pulled it off, and what a great couple of days it was too. Friday (in the pouring rain for the most part) saw three enthusiastic groups from Alun High School take part. And on Saturday it was the turn of the general public. Despite forecasts of massive downpours, we managed to perform most of the day in the park. How did we manage this minor miracle? Well, it’s all down to a great team. I’d like to thank all involved for really coming together and making it happen. Thanks to our fantastic actors Cara Braia, Iago McGuire, and Darren Stokes. My co-Director Jane and of course Jo Lane and everyone at Bailey Hill. Special thanks go out to the wonderful History volunteers, Johnathon, David, and Mary. We must mention the stewarding volunteers who did such a great job looking after everyone on the day. Also, thanks to ever lovely Dennis Jones who stepped in so gallantly at the last minute to be our Welsh-speaking tour guide. A great raconteur who sings like an angel. Last but not least we’d like to say a massive thank you to Heritage Lottery and the lottery players up and down the country. We would not have been able to do it without you.